Sungguh kiamat makin dekat
Dengan tanda-tanda yang bisa kita lihat
Bencana telah menyelimuti laut dan darat
Tanda-tanda kiamat nampak terlihat
Bila agama telah terhujat
Merebaknya perbuatan jahat
Juga kebodohan yang kian merakyat
Penduduk wanita lebih padat
Penjualan miras makin meningkat
Di mana-mana terjadi maksiat
Ulama makin dijauhi umat
Pembunuhan terjadi setiap saat
Waktu terasa lebih singkat
Dunia serasa makin memikat
Tanda-tanda kiamat kecil telah terlihat
Segeralah engkau bertaubat
Sebelum nyawa diangkat
Dan sebelum matahari terbit dari barat
Karena saat itu tiada arti taubat
* * * * *
The Doomsday Becoming
Really, the doomsday becoming
By the signals we can see
The disaster has concealed the sea and land
The doomsday's signals in sight
If the religion was blasphemied
The crime was spreaded
And the stupidity was close to the people
Populations of woman are densely much
Selling of alcoholic drink is mounting
Immoral acts everywhere
Scholar of Islam is avoided by humanity
The killing can be every time
The time run shorter more
The world were very exciting
The signals of small doomsday were seen
Let's repent the sins
Before the soul has gone
And before sun rise from the west
Causes the repent of sins are unmen
Download MP3 nya di sini: Fasabaqna - Kiamat Makin Dekat
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